The Gate



Showing one’s Spirit Cards:

Q: Do I have to let all the other players see what (if any) Spirit Cards I have?

A: Yes.

Choosing Not to Use a Special Fighting Die:

Q: If I have a Power Spirit Card, can I choose not to use the special fighting die that comes with card?

A: Yes. If you don’t want to use a special fighting die, you don’t have to use it. For example, if you have the Fox Spirit Card and the orange special fighting die, you don’t have to use the orange fighting die if you don’t want to.

Choosing Not to Use a Special Speed Die:

Q: If I have a Speed Spirit Card, can I choose not to use the special moving die that comes with the card?

A: Yes. If you don’t want to use a special moving die, you don’t have to use it. For example, if you have the Eagle Spirit Card and the silver special moving die, you don’t have to use the silver moving die if you don’t want to. If you are rolling to move around the board, you may roll one, or two, or all three of your moving dice.

Returning Spirit Cards:

Q: Can I return a Spirit Card?

A: Yes, but you do not receive any links for returning it.

Acquiring a Spirit Card in the Dungeon:

Q: May I pay for (and get) a Spirit Card in the Dungeon?

A: Yes.

Rabbit Spirit Card (Go Again):

Q: Is there a limit to the number of times a player can go again with the Rabbit Spirit Card?

A: No. And no, you don’t go to the Dungeon if you roll three doubles in a row.

Monkey Card:

Q: If I use the Monkey Card against a person, does that person get a chance to roll to move?

A: No. By moving the player to a space, you deny that player the ability to roll to move.

Hyena Card/ Rabbit Card:

Q: Can the Hyena Card cancel the go again (or double 1) power of the Rabbit Spirit Card?

A: No. The Hyena Card cannot cancel the go again (or double 1) power. You may not use the Hyena Card against a player that rolls doubles with the Rabbit Spirit Card.

Kangaroo Card:

Q: If an opponent’s playing piece and my playing piece share the same space at the start of my turn, may I use the Kangaroo Card to jump/hop to the same space (we both already occupy)? In other words, may I jump without really moving?

A: Yes.


